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Authors @AASL25

The AASL National Conference offers publishers and authors many opportunities to connect with attendees.

Forms are OPEN to submit authors for the AASL National Conference. Please read this page and each type of submission before selecting your form.  The link to the specific form is under each type of session list.

The General Session Author Keynote submissions will be reviewed as they are received, and a final decision will be determined in the spring of 2025 at the earliest. 

Concurrent sessions will be reviewed as received, and every effort will be made to accommodate all authors within the space and times available.  Concurrent session submissions received after July 11, 2025, will be reviewed and considered if space is available. 

Additional Resources

Concurrent Session Author Panels (Single Author Submissions)

Publishers of any size or individual authors can submit an author for consideration to be included in an AASL Concurrent Session Author Panel.  AASL makes every effort to find a place for every author, so this is a great opportunity for an author attending independently or small publishers who will be supporting a few authors. 

AASL conference author chairs look across all submissions to find a common theme or focus for a great author panel that represents a variety of publishers.*  Volunteer leaders will be assigned to facilitate the panel discussion, meeting virtually with the authors before the conference to discuss questions and options for discussion to ensure all authors are highlighted and share information that would most speak to the AASL National Conference attendees. 

Concurrent Session Author Panels are scheduled during the concurrent session time slots and will be listed in the program as any other concurrent session, tagged as an "author" strand. 

Submit an author for placement in a Concurrent Session Author Panel

*Publishers who would like a dedicated panel for their authors only, please submit either a "Publisher Author Panel" or apply for an "Exhibitors Showcase."

Publisher Authors Panels (3-4 Authors from a Single Publisher)

There are two options for publishers who would like to present a panel of their authors exclusively.  One option is to develop a panel with a theme/topic that connects the authors as a concurrent session.  The second option is to present "authors/books from XYZ publisher" as an exhibitor showcase. Which one is right for you? 

Are the authors easily connected by a theme or content? 
A concurrent session panel will be placed in a room and a time slot, as any other current educational sessions.  Attendees expect author concurrent sessions to present authors and their books but also to connect the material to a curricular area or meet a developmental need of their learning community. 

Would you prefer an 'event' to a session?
The exhibitor showcases will also be included in the program schedule alongside all other programs but will offer a more flexible space.  Exhibitor showcases offer flexibility*- the content can be simply presenting your authors to attendees, signing can occur in the space, and refreshment options are available.  The exhibitor showcases will also occur near the exhibit floor. 

*The 'furniture' in the exhibitor showcase can not be rearranged, but there will be space for smaller displays or materials.  Exhibitors will need to remove all items once their time slot has ended. 

Submit a Publisher Authors Panel

Exhibitor Showcase Information (opening soon)

General Session Author(s) Keynote

The AASL Author General Session will occur on Saturday, October 18, at 7:30 a.m. AASL has typically had a single-author keynote but would welcome submissions from co-authors, author-illustrator pairs, or any other possible combination.  The Author General Session is immediately followed by an exclusive exhibit hall hour time slot during which the post-session author signing can occur in the publisher's booth.

Submit an author(s) for General Session Keynote consideration

Author Signings

All author signings must be planned and held at an exhibitor booth/table in the exhibit hall.  AASL does not offer a separate "author signing" space at the AASL National Conference.  By holding signings in a booth, attendees are encouraged to visit a publisher/author booth and engage in conversations with our publishing/author partners.

Please review your exhibit contract for specifics regarding planning for signings and restrictions for lines blocking other booths. 

AASL will reach out to exhibitors approximately two weeks prior to the event to gather specific details for author signing to include in the conference program and scheduling app. 


When will publishers/authors be notified if they were accepted, and what date/time will they be presenting?

The AASL National Conference Author Co-Chairs will review submissions as they are received. However, there is a balance between ensuring the best programs are put together and scheduling works for the publishers/authors and AASL conference planning. Any submission received by July 11 should expect to hear back from AASL no later than August 1 regarding the status of their submission.  Then AASL will ask additional questions for scheduling sessions, and you will receive the date/time of your panel no later than August 15.

The General Session Keynote final decision will be determined at the earliest in the spring of 2025.

If I need to make travel arrangements before notifications are sent, what dates/times should I consider?

The concurrent sessions and exhibitor showcases will not start until Friday, October 17, at approximately 9:00 a.m. On Saturday, October 18, the last exhibitor showcase will end at approximately 1:00 p.m., and concurrent sessions will end at approximately 4:00 p.m.

The General Session Author Keynote will start at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 18. 

Does AASL sell author's books on consignment in their bookstore?

No.  AASL allows sales and author signings on the exhibit floor at any time the exhibit hall is open in a publisher or author booth. 

How can publishers/authors get books to the conference/convention center?

As an exhibitor you will receive information for shipping and delivery to your booth in your exhibitor service kit.